Aus Puzzlewiki
In dieser Kategorie sind Rätselarten gelistet, die in der Rätselweltmeisterschaft 2018 vorkamen:
Round 1: Shading
- Shakashaka ([[|]])
- Heyawake
- Hitori
- Tapa
- Nurikabe
- Cave
- Aquarium
- All or nothing
- Coral
- Kuromasu
Round 2: Objects
- Scrabble
- Hashi
- Four winds
- Tents
- Overlapping squares
- Magnets
- As Easy As ABC
- Akari
- Clouds
- Lighthouses
- Suguru
- Suguru diagonal
- Gaps
- Arrows
Round 3: Skyscrapers
- Skyscrapers with mirrors
- Skyscrapers with GT hints
- Skyscrapers / As Easy As ABC
- Skyscrapers myopia
- Skyscrapers with parks
- Skyscrapers with glass towers
- Stroll among skyscrapers
- Skyscrapers - first invisible
- Skyscrapers with sum baskets
- Sky snail
- Sky coral
- Sky battleships
Round 4: Polygons
- Halfdomino triangular
- Hexa skyscrapers
- Antimagic hexagon
- Antimagic hexagon with double cells
- Hexa ABC
- Hexa worms
- Hexa domino
- Slovak Sums
- Seven tetrominoes
- Boomerangs
- Six winds
- Six winds with hooks
- Hexa slitherlink
- Penta slitherlink
- Triangular combo
Round 5: Variations
- ABC untouchable
- ABC no first
- Coral with vertex hints
- First seen snake
- Inner coral
- Multiplication kakuro
- Snail odd/even
- Numbered snake
- Semitransparent snake
- Shikaku with obstacles
- Nurikabe Pento
- Nonconsecutive hitori
- Fillomino with given set of numbers
- Japanese sums with given set of numbers
- Reduced domino with sums
- Condensed domino
- Oriented domino
- Irregular math sudoku
- Numbers not touching
- Japanese arrows (complete)
Round 6: Combinations
- Loop around pentominoes
- Loop arround snake
- Battleship pills
- Ships and fishermen
- Snail on snake
- Starwacky
- Nurikabe Tapa
- LITS Tapa
- Galaxies and tetrominoes
- Galaxies and pentominoes
- Gaps between battleships
- Snail End View
- Snail End View Untouchable
- Kakuro domino
Seiten in der Kategorie „WPC-2018/de“
Folgende 44 Seiten sind in dieser Kategorie, von 44 insgesamt.