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In dieser Kategorie sind Rätselarten gelistet, die in der Rätselweltmeisterschaft 2018 vorkamen:

Round 1: Shading

  1. Shakashaka (Shakashaka)
  2. Heyawake (Heyawake)
  3. Hitori (Hitori)
  4. LITS (LITS)
  5. Tapa (Tapa)
  6. Nurikabe (Inseln)
  7. Cave (Höhle)
  8. Aquarium (Aquarium)
  9. All or nothing (Gebiete schwärzen)
  10. Coral (Koralle)
  11. Kuromasu (Kuromasu)

Round 2: Objects

  1. Scrabble (Variante von Kreuzworträtselrekonstruktion)
  2. Hashi (Hashi)
  3. Four winds (Vier Winde)
  4. Tents (Zeltlager)
  5. Overlapping squares (Variante von Quadrate)
  6. Magnets (Magnetplatten)
  7. As Easy As ABC (Buchstabensalat)
  8. Akari (Akari)
  9. Clouds (Radar)
  10. Lighthouses (Leuchttürme)
  11. Suguru (Variable Kapseln)
  12. Suguru diagonal (Variante von Variable Kapseln)
  13. Gaps (Doppelstern Invers)
  14. Arrows (Pfeile)

Round 3: Skyscrapers

  1. Skyscrapers with mirrors (Hochhäuser mit Spiegeln)
  2. Skyscrapers with GT hints (Hochhäuser mit Randvergleichen)
  3. Skyscrapers / As Easy As ABC (Hochhäuser plus Salat)
  4. Skyscrapers myopia (Hochhausopia)
  5. Skyscrapers with parks (Hochhäuser mit Leerfeldern)
  6. Skyscrapers with glass towers (Hochhäuser mit Glastürmen)
  7. Stroll among skyscrapers (Hochhäuser mit Innenhinweisen)
  8. Skyscrapers - first invisible (Hochhäuser - erstes unsichtbares)
  9. Skyscrapers with sum baskets (Killer-Hochhäuser)
  10. Sky snail (Hochhäuser auf magischem Labyrinth)
  11. Sky coral (Hochhauskoralle)
  12. Sky battleships (Hochhaus versenken)

Round 4: Polygons

  1. Halfdomino triangular (Halbdominos hexagonal)
  2. Hexa skyscrapers (Hochhäuser hexagonal)
  3. Antimagic hexagon (Antimagisches Quadrat hexagonal)
  4. Antimagic hexagon with double cells (Variante von Antimagisches Quadrat hexagonal)
  5. Hexa ABC (Buchstabensalat hexagonal)
  6. Hexa worms (Würmer hexagonal)
  7. Hexa domino (Dominozerlegung (hexagonal))
  8. Slovak Sums (Slowakische Summen)
  9. Seven tetrominoes (Tetrominozerlegung hexagonal)
  10. Boomerangs (Bumerangs)
  11. Six winds (Vier Winde hexagonal)
  12. Six winds with hooks (Variante von Vier Winde hexagonal)
  13. Hexa slitherlink (Rundweg (hexagonal))
  14. Penta slitherlink (Rundweg auf Fünfecken)
  15. Triangular combo (Kombi-Rätsel aus Hochhäuser triangular, Kropki triangualar, Japanische Summen triangular und Pyramide)

Round 5: Variations

  1. ABC untouchable (Buchstabensalat ohne Diagonalberührung)
  2. ABC no first (Buchstabensalat inverse)
  3. Coral with vertex hints (Creek-Koralle)
  4. First seen snake (Erst-Sicht-Schlange)
  5. Inner coral (Koralle mit Innenhinweisen)
  6. Multiplication kakuro (Produkt-Kakuro)
  7. Snail odd/even (Magisches-Gerade-Ungerade-Labyrinth)
  8. Numbered snake (Gerade-Ungerade-Schlange)
  9. Semitransparent snake (Semi-transparente Schlange)
  10. Shikaku with obstacles (Sikaku)
  11. Nurikabe Pento (Pentominoinseln)
  12. Nonconsecutive hitori (Unbenachbartes Hitori)
  13. Fillomino with given set of numbers (Variante von Fillomino)
  14. Japanese sums with given set of numbers (Variante von Japanische Summen)
  15. Reduced domino with sums (Dominosuche mit Summen)
  16. Condensed domino (Verdichtete Dominosuche)
  17. Oriented domino (Variante von Dominosuche)
  18. Irregular math sudoku (Variante von Außensummensudoku)
  19. Numbers not touching (Landkarte)
  20. Japanese arrows (complete) (Variante von Nummernpfeile)

Round 6: Combinations

  1. Loop around pentominoes
  2. Loop arround snake
  3. Battleship pills
  4. Ships and fishermen
  5. Snail on snake
  6. Starwacky
  7. Nurikabe Tapa
  8. LITS Tapa
  9. Galaxies and tetrominoes
  10. Galaxies and pentominoes
  11. Gaps between battleships
  12. Snail End View
  13. Snail End View Untouchable
  14. Kakuro domino

Round 7: Paths

  1. Every third turn path
  2. Every third turn loop
  3. Land and sea
  4. Slitherlink
  5. Snake
  6. Arukone
  7. Masyu
  8. Dutch loop
  9. Loop with symmetrical segments
  10. Country road
  11. Castle wall
  12. Arrow maze
  13. Password path
  14. Yajilin

Round 8: Dissections

  1. Pentominoes I
  2. Pentominoes II
  3. Pentominoes III
  4. Pentominoes IV
  5. Square tiling
  6. Slash pack
  7. Codded dissection
  8. Dissection by vertices
  9. Galaxies
  10. Tetrominoes End View
  11. Burokku

Round 9: Numbers

  1. Numbered regions (Variante von Rechtecke)
  2. Star (Variante von Von_1_bis_n_(Flächen))
  3. Doubleblock (Doppelblock)
  4. Kakuro (Kakuro)
  5. Futoshiki (Futoshiki)
  6. Sandglass (Sandglass)
  7. Pyramid (Pyramide)
  8. Mathrax (Mathrax)
  9. Tom Tom (Tomtom)
  10. Antimagic square (Antimagisches Quadrat)

Round 10: Double trouble

  1. Double coral
  2. Double snake
  3. Double skyscrapers
  4. Double lating square
  5. Double nurikabe
  6. Double domino
  7. Double doubleblock
  8. Double skikaku

Round 11: Regional

  1. Regional snake
  2. Regional tetrominoes
  3. Regional pentominoes
  4. Regional maysu
  5. Regional yajilin
  6. Regional fillomino
  7. ABC-Sky with regional match
  8. Skyscrapers with regional match
  9. Tapa with regional match
  10. Regional akari
  11. Regional coral

Round 12: Innovative

  1. ABC letter groups
  2. Stalagtites and stalagmites
  3. Mirror labyrinth
  4. Coral with letters
  5. Inner ABC
  6. ILX
  7. Point to numbers
  8. Single block
  9. Single block untouchable
  10. Worms
  11. Labyrinth
  12. Labyrinth with obstacles

Round 13: Twisted

  1. ABC-box
  2. Coral with questionmarks
  3. Tapa with questionmarks
  4. Tents with no hints
  5. Coded doubleblock
  6. Coded skyscrapers
  7. Coded coral
  8. Coded arrows
  9. Coded laser
  10. Liar diagonal slitherlink
  11. Liar masyu
  12. Pinochio fillomino
  13. Polygraph
  14. Wrong doubleblock
  15. Wrong snake
  16. Wrong shikaku
  17. Wrong products

Team Round 1: Combined

  1. Combined

Team Round 2: Hexa

  1. Hexa

Team Round 3: Ariadne's thread

  1. Railroad
  2. Tents
  3. Yajilin
  4. Battleships
  5. Country road+
  6. Password path
  7. Snake
  8. Bosnian snake
  9. Simple path