This puzzle is a combination of Masyu and Yajilin.
Masyu: Draw a closed path into the puzzle, that passes every field with a circle. The path may bent 90° in the fields. In fields with a black circle the path has to bent in a 90° angle and has to continue in both directions one field straight. Through fields with a white circle the path has to go straight and has to bent 90° in the next field in at least one direction.
Yajilin: Blacken some cells in the grid so that blackened cells do not touch each other from the sides. All remaining cells should be traversed by a continuous loop, moving horizontally and vertically. Clues inside the grid indicate the number of blackened cells in the corresponding directions. There may exist some blackened cells that are not pointed by any arrow.
Some circles in the puzzle may be blackened with respect to Yajilin rules.