Black Or White/en

Aus Puzzlewiki
Version vom 1. Juni 2011, 14:55 Uhr von Gulce (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Blackorwhite puz.png    Blackorwhite sol.png

Two of the given puzzles are Masyu and two of them are Loop puzzles (One of each type for the example). You need to determine which puzzle is from which type for solving.

Deformable Masyu: Moving between edge-to-edge neighbouring cells, draw a closed path that passes through every circle and doesn’t cross itself. The path must turn at every black circle, but can not turn immediately before or after; and the path can not turn at any white circle, but must turn immediately before and/or after. You are allowed to blacken any number of the given white circles, deforming them into black circles.

Loopfinder: Draw a closed loop in the grid moving horizontally and vertically, avoiding all cells containing black circles, and passing through every cell except for those containing black circles. The loop cannot change direction on cells with white circles.